Meadow Voles in Knoxville, TN
The meadow vole, also called the “meadow mouse” or “field mouse,” is a widely distributed rodent across North America. While resembling rats and mice, they have shorter tails and thick, cylindrical bodies. Poor climbers, meadow voles rarely enter homes, instead living in complex underground tunnels that often harm turf and landscaping. They are prolific breeders with a diet that primarily includes plants, especially grasses and seeds.
Meadow Vole Habitat
Although meadow voles sometimes move above ground, they predominantly live underground in their burrow systems. Their burrows are shallow and short, with nests made of grass, stems, and leaves, often concealed by overhanging vegetation. Exposing this ground cover can reveal runways leading to their nests. Evidence of meadow vole activity includes fresh grass clippings and greenish droppings about 3/16 inch long around the burrows.
Meadow Vole Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers
While meadow voles rarely interact with humans and pose minimal health risks, they can transmit diseases like plague and tularemia. They may not invade homes, but they are a major pest to homeowners, often destroying orchards, tree plantings, and crops while foraging. Their burrowing activity can also weaken the structural integrity of plants and trees. Additionally, they can harm tree trunks and damage lawns, golf courses, and ground covers.
If you notice signs of a meadow vole infestation, consult with your local rodent exterminators.