There is an old saying that folks have used for generations to welcome the emergence of springtime. The saying is, SPRING has SPRUNG! This is a beautiful saying! Flowers are blooming, trees are showing off new greenery, butterflies are flitting about… But there is something that could change this saying drastically if you don’t have proper pest protective measures in place. Spring has STUNG!
The fact is, nothing ruins a perfectly pleasant day in your backyard faster than a lot of stinging insects plaguing you as you try to work, or play, or simply relax. While we understand that pollinating insects, such as honey bees, are necessary, you don’t need to have hives on your property. And it certainly isn’t necessary to allow wasps and yellow jackets to set up shop in your yard.
Why Do Stinging Insect Populations Increase In Warmer Weather?
Insects are cold-blooded creatures and cold weather cause them to slow down or stop completely. When the weather warms up, cold-blooded creatures (like stinging insects) become more active. They will come out of hiding, create nests, and begin multiplying as soon as the temperatures become ideal.
Steps To Defend Yourself From Stinging Insects
Have nests removed from your property. While this is dangerous to attempt on your own without proper equipment and knowledge, the removal of nests and hives by a professional is a key way to reduce stinging pests.
Check window and door screens. Make sure these are present and in good condition to keep stinging insects out of your home.
Refrain from wearing perfumes and other sweet-smelling products when you are outside. Stinging insects are drawn to sweet smells.
How To Make Your Property Less Appealing To Stinging Insects
If eating outside, keep all food in sealed containers as much as possible. Make sure drink containers have lids. Also, do not leave leftover food, pet food, or other food sources in your yard.
Keep all garbage in receptacles with tight-fitting lids. If your trash cans have loose lids, consider using bungee cords to fasten them. This will help keep smells in and bugs out.
Try to keep your property dry. All pests need a water source to survive. The dryer you keep your property, the less appealing it will be to pests. Remove items that collect water, and fix spigot, hose, and gutter leaks. Trim vegetation away from your home so things can dry out.
The Best Plan
If you don’t want to be saying, “Spring has stung!” this year, reach out to Russell’s Pest Control. With our year-round pest plans, you will benefit from the reduction of stinging insects as well as the elimination and reduction of a host of other dangerous or nuisance pests. Give us a call today for prompt, professional assistance.
Stinging Insects Are Back in Knoxville TN
Serving East Tennessee since 1971