There is a fine line between having a pleasant amount of birds around your home and having a bird problem. If you don’t monitor the number of birds living around your house, you can quickly expose yourself to a list of problems. Bird issues can range from nuisances like noise to serious health risks caused by chimney blockage and droppings. They can also cause property damage in a few different ways. If you’re looking for the best ways to keep birds out of your chimney and yard in Knoxville TN, read on for advice from the experts at Russell’s Pest Control!
How Birds Create Problems around Your Home
Birds can cause problems for Knoxville homeowners in a few different ways. If you have been noticing an increase in bird activity around your home, watch out for the following:
- Droppings: Bird droppings can possibly contain a certain fungus that, when its spores are breathed in, causes histoplasmosis in humans. This disease can escalate to dangerous levels and cause symptoms like fever, aches, chills, and more.
- Gutter blockage: Birds often find our gutter to be a convenient nesting location, but their nests can cause improper drainage, leaving our homes with water damage and waterlogging our gardens.
- Chimney blockage: When birds nest inside your chimney, they can cause fumes from your fireplace to stay trapped inside. This can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning and other health risks.
Preventing Birds in Chimney Stacks
When birds create their nests in your yard, they often look to your chimney to find warmth and shelter. As we’ve explained, this can cause property damage and health concerns for your home and your family. To keep birds out of your chimney, we recommend installing a chimney cap. A chimney cap covers your chimney with a grate-like cover, allowing fumes from your fireplace to exit safely while keeping debris, droppings, and bird nests out. This structure will discourage birds from nesting nearby and save your home from potential problems.
Bird Control with Russell’s Pest Control
In some cases, birds are too stubborn to be deterred by a chimney cap. If you’ve installed one and are still dealing with birds around your chimney, it’s best to get your local pest control company involved. The bird removal team at Russell’s Pest Control has years of experience handling all of the local birds in Knoxville TN and can develop a plan for your home that gets rid of birds both humanely and effectively. For a free quote or to learn more about our bird control services, reach out to us today!
Install Chimney Caps to Keep Birds Away in Knoxville TN
Serving East Tennessee since 1971