If you can’t enjoy your backyard for more than a few minutes without getting bitten by mosquitoes, that might be a sign that it’s time to secure professional mosquito treatment. Mosquitoes are at their peak in activity as we enter the long, hot, final days of summer. For Tennessee homeowners, mosquitoes can become a big problem, as they can transmit disease and ruin summer fun. The good news is that professional mosquito treatment can be highly effective and let you get back to enjoying your summertime activities.
Peak Mosquito Season
Late summer is full-on mosquito season. There has been plenty of time for mosquitoes to lay eggs and for those to hatch and become adult mosquitoes, who are also laying their eggs. If they’ve found a nice bit of water in your yard, they may be relentless with their attack on your property and family. Late morning and early evening can be unbearable, as mosquitoes are typically active and biting during this time.
Problems Mosquitoes Bring to Tennessee
Mosquitos are vectors for various diseases from Zika Virus to West Nile Virus. There is no way to tell from looking at a mosquito or its bite whether a mosquito is infected or not. This makes all mosquitoes a problem. Even if mosquitoes weren’t disease carriers, their bites are irritating and unwanted. Some people only have a mild reaction, resulting in a small itchy bump on their skin that lasts a few hours. Others can develop large welts that last for days, causing itching that is so bad that scratching the bites can cause infection and scars.
Signs That it’s Time for Professional Treatment
If you find yourself going back inside a few minutes after going outside because mosquitoes are attacking, it may be time to call a professional. If your children return from playing outdoors with bites all over, it’s time. If you can see mosquitoes swarming around your hedges, pool, or the perimeter of your property, call for treatment.
How Professional Mosquito Treatment Works
At Russell’s Pest Control, we take a three-step approach to reducing mosquitoes on your Tennessee property. Initially, our technician will inspect your property and identify the locations where mosquitoes are likely to breed and hide. Next, treatments are applied to the targeted areas, including hiding spots and breeding sites. Finally, follow up treatments will continue monthly through mosquito season to ensure continuing protection. Contact us to schedule your consultation, or to begin treatment, so you can enjoy the remaining summer days mosquito free!
How to Tell if Professional Mosquito Control is Right for You in Knoxville TN
Serving East Tennessee since 1971