When bed bugs attack, what happens first? Most often, it is a search of the internet to find out more about these little blood eaters. The words, “Get Rid of Bed Bugs,” are typed in and page after page of information comes up about how to get rid of these invasive pests, and a false confidence is established. Why do we say false? Because most do-it-yourself bloggers will tell you a few facts about bed bugs and use these facts to guide you toward the products or solution they are looking to dispense, but rarely do they give the entire picture.
Here are some examples DIY facts that don’t connect to a solution:
While it is certainly true that bed bugs are drawn out by raised carbon dioxide levels in a room, that doesn’t mean that CO2 traps will eradicate bed bugs from your home. Sure, you’ll kill some bugs. Some of these traps actually work, but they don’t solve the problem. What the blogger failed to mention is that not all bed bugs come out of hiding to feed, and all the bugs that come out will not be killed by those traps. Bed bugs have been around for centuries, and in that time, they have learned how to avoid danger.
Another fact that is definitely true is that bed bugs need to crawl up into your bed to get at you. They don’t fly like mosquitoes. So, you may be directed to put traps under the feet of your bed to kill these bugs before they climb up and feed on you. Makes sense, right? But these traps fail in many ways. If there is a backboard on the bed, the bugs will crawl up and over that. If there are bed bugs already living in the mattress or crevices of the bed frame, they won’t need to crawl up. These bugs can also feed on you anytime they wish. They don’t have to feed on you at night, while you sleep. They can get you while you’re watching television on the couch. They can get you while you’re eating breakfast–or pretty much anywhere you sit or lounge.
There are also products that will kill bed bugs. Your DIY blogger may direct you to these, and when you find bugs lying on the floor, you think you’ve won the battle. The problem is, even if every bug were to come out of hiding and be killed by these products, a new infestation could begin with a batch of unattended eggs in your walls. That is not even taking into consideration that these pest products can be harmful when not applied properly.
We understand the desperate urge to get rid of bed bugs when they are discovered, but please don’t take the do-it-yourself route. Getting rid of bed bugs requires experience, specialized knowledge, and state-of-the-art equipment.
These bugs are enough of a nightmare when they plague you for a week. Don’t turn a week into months of torment. Get a professional bed bug treatment and eradicate those bed bugs the first time.
Get Rid Of Bed Bugs in Knoxville TN
Serving East Tennessee since 1971