Here in Knoxville, we have a lot of bugs, some of which are less of a bother than others, but one thing is for sure, nobody likes the ones that sting! As you get ready to enjoy the coming of spring, the last thing you want is to have to worry about being stung when you go outside. The good news is, Russell’s Pest Control can help! First, let’s take a look at some of the stinging insects you should be keeping an eye out for this spring.
Bald-Faced Hornets
Primarily black with a white pattern over its face, bald-faced hornets are long with a thin waist. Growing to more than a 1/2” in length, with the queen sometimes coming in at double, the bald-faced hornet is a large one. When a threat to a hornet or its nest is perceived, bald-faced hornets become very aggressive and can cause an excruciating pain with their sting. They can sting multiple times, and like all stinging insects have the potential to cause major allergic reactions.
European Hornets
Shaped similarly to a wasp, the European hornet has a brown body with yellow colored stripes running over it. A large insect, the European hornet is known to grow to 1 1/2” in length. Commonly referred to as the “giant hornet”, European hornets are different than other stinging insects in the fact that they are known to be very active at night.
Paper Wasps
A well-known species of wasp, paper wasps are anywhere from a 1/2” to 1” in length and are usually a dark brown or black color with yellow markings and gray wings. When in flight, the paper wasps legs hang from its body. Their sting is very painful and can require immediate medical attention.
Yellow Jackets
Equipped with six legs and two antennae, yellow jacket workers can grow to around a half inch in length. With a black head and face, the yellow jacket can be identified by its yellow and black markings covering its abdomen. Their elongated wings fold tight against their bodies when at rest, giving them a long and slim appearance.
As mentioned, all stinging insects do exactly that, sting! Not only is it extremely painful to be stung, it could present much larger problems. Many stinging insects either have the ability to sting multiple times or come in swarms that naturally present numerous stings as well. When stung even once, let alone multiple times, stinging insects can set off an allergic reaction in the recipient of the sting by the injection of its venom. If an allergic reaction is not treated quickly enough, it could ultimately lead to long-term problems and even death. Stinging insects could even be a danger to your pet should your pet come across a nest. If one of your pets are stung, it also has potential to cause an allergic reaction, so getting rid of stinging insects should be an absolute priority.
We understand that keeping stinging insects at bay is at the highest level of importance in regards to the safety of you and your family. Here at Russell’s, we offer several pest control options to choose from. Once we have identified the infestation, how it got there, and why it’s there, we can address it appropriately. By removing pests, nests, and conducive conditions, we will not only substantially decrease the risk to you and your family, but we will also use preventative measures so that you don’t have to worry about them in the future! Stinging insects are dangerous and should be taken seriously, so don’t wait, and call Russell’s Pest Control today for your free estimate!
Common Stinging Insects In Knoxville in Knoxville TN
Serving East Tennessee since 1971