Whether you are heading out to enjoy spring break or just taking advantage of spring to take a much-needed vacation, it is important to set aside a few moments to learn about bed bug prevention. Reading this article is a great first step. Here are 4 easy things you can do to reduce your chances of having bed bugs ruin your vacation or return home with you.
Would you go into a neighborhood in a city without finding out whether or not that neighborhood is safe? It is also unwise to stay somewhere you haven’t checked out first. Bedbugregistry.com is a great resource to find out if bed bugs have been reported at the place you’ll be staying. You can also check other review sites and use the term “bed bug” in your search query.
Would you walk into a forest at night without a flashlight? Of course you wouldn’t. And you shouldn’t go on vacation without a flashlight. Most smartphones have a flashlight app that uses the camera light on the phone as a light source. Use that light source to examine some key areas inside your room to make sure there are no bed bugs or bed bug signs present. Pull the bedding and sheets down to examine the mattress and box spring for black residue, black streaks, black droppings, shed insect skins, brown blood stains, or these tiny six-legged, oval, rust-colored bugs. They are about the size of an apple seed and look a little bit like one too.
Would you operate dangerous equipment without following a few safety protocols? It is a good idea to follow a few safety protocols while on vacation. Never leave clothes on the floor or draped over a chair. Put clothing on a hard surface, or in a plastic bag, when you’re not wearing them. When you bring your luggage out, consider using the luggage stand. Most rooms have one.
Would you rub your nose if you just shook hands with someone who has the flu? Maybe. But it is unwise. When you return home, put all of your clothing into the wash. Use the hottest temperatures to kill bed bugs in every stage of development. This little cleaning could keep a batch of eggs from turning into an infestation.
These tips should help you stay safer on your vacation and help to prevent an infestation from returning home with you but, as you probably already know, bed bugs can be picked up in a lot of places. If you ever do find bed bugs in your home, call a professional. These bugs are extremely hard to eradicate and improper bed bug treatments can cause prolonged infestations, more bites, or lead to devastating consequences, such as the loss of property or a loss of life.
If you’re in our Tennessee service area, let the bed bug control team here at Russell’s Pest Control deal with those blood-eating pests. Immediate help is just a call away.
Avoiding Bed Bugs On Spring Vacations in Knoxville TN
Serving East Tennessee since 1971